E rickshaws are taking over the roads of India. All thanks to their affordability, convenience, and safety. Know from the e-rickshaw dealers in Kolkata how what goes into this business.
Battery-operated e rickshaws have proven to be the best substitute for fuel-driven vehicles. The electric rickshaw made its first appearance in 1940’s. It was a fairly new concept then but lacked infrastructure and promotion, it died down. However, its utilization and popularity have actually come into prominence in the last 4-5 years. Battery-operated e rickshaw distributors and dealers in West Bengal are experiencing an increase in the growth of the sale of these vehicles.
According To E Rickshaw Enthusiasts, Introducing These Battery-Powered Vehicles Had Two Strong Purposes:
- The first being upgrading the manual rickshaws such that the pullers get a chance to eliminate physical pain and drudgery. The idea was to simplify their lives and reduce the physical effort that was taking a toll on their well-being.
- The second objective was to create an ecosystem within last-mile transportation. A cleaner, greener and cheaper mode of transport would not only benefit the environment but also people from various economic backgrounds.
The Main Components Of E Rickshaws:
The bodyweight of the E- rickshaw is extremely light and the lithium-ion batteries have a good tenure. The vehicle uses the best quality metal and fiberglass such that every passenger experiences a comfortable ride. The main elements that actually drive the electric rickshaw are a motor, controller, harness, and throttle. The mortar of the battery generally varies from 650w to 1250 and the power supply is around 48V. Also, superior quality batteries ensure that it does not get overheated. Also, care should be taken to not to mess with the brakes as this can decrease the mileage.
The best part of this rickshaw is that they need minimal maintenance which is not only cost-effective but also requires less effort. However, e rickshaw dealers in Kolkata always advise drivers and owners to take their vehicles to service centers after a fixed interval of time. This is necessary to assess the safety of the vehicle and whether there is any technical glitch or not.
Is Starting An En E Rickshaw Venture A Good Business Idea?
- The market is seeing massive growth due to its strict environmental policy that takes care of the air pollution rate. E-rickshaws are eco-friendly, and they do not run on fuel. Hence there is no exhaustion of chemical pollutants, and are an affordable mode of communication.
- To build an e-rickshaw business, you don’t need to fund a large amount of money. Mostly you need a strategic plan to start your venture, a particular office or location, and an in-depth understanding of the working process.
Get in touch with Plaudit, the premium icat approved e rickshaw manufacturer in West Bengal. They provide the latest models of 3 wheeler totos, e scooters, e rickshaws to their customers that are in trend and within budget.